Jefferson Parish Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Whether you are facing criminal charges or simply want to understand your legal rights, it is important to talk to a Jefferson Parish criminal defense lawyer to benefit your case. Our goal is to clarify the criminal defense process and to inform you of what your rights and obligations are if you have been accused of a crime. Having the information you need can help you make educated decisions and positively affect the outlook of your case.

A Well-Rounded Attorney

With 29 years of service in the legal field, The Law Office of Ryan N. Cox is led by an experienced Criminal Defense and Personal Injury Attorney who is a former Assistant District Attorney for Jefferson Parish as well as a former Traffic Hearing Officer. Although they are especially proficient in juvenile criminal defense, they also have extensive knowledge about many parts of criminal defense law. Our background in several court attorney roles allows you to be represented by a professional who understands both sides of the legal system.

What Do I Do if I Am Arrested?

If you are arrested for a crime, it is important to stay calm, even if you do not believe you are guilty. If you choose to resist or fight back, you can make the situation worse and even add charges. It is possible to legally counter after hiring an attorney later on in the process. Follow the directions of law enforcement and do not try to resist while being arrested. This generally leads to better treatment by law enforcement and the prosecution.

You do not have to provide extraneous information or details about your charges, even if someone directly asks you about them. You have a right to remain silent and consult an attorney before responding to any questions. It can also be a good idea to record the names of the officers that arrested you and any statements they made or you made during the process. If there are any witnesses, try to get their names and contact information as well if it is possible.

After the arrest, speak with an attorney as soon as possible. They will be able to explain what your charges mean and what you can do to affect your outcome. Your attorney can provide guidance on what to say so that you do not accidentally harm your case and prepare you for a future trial.

Why Do I Need an Attorney?

An attorney is a vital part of the criminal defense process. They can help you determine how to act or what to say in front of law enforcement or the prosecution so that you do not damage your chances of a lighter sentence. An attorney is dedicated to providing you with the right to a fair trial and can stand up for your rights as your case moves through the justice system.

It is also important for you to understand what you are being accused of and how those accusations might affect your future. An attorney can review all of the details of your case and might even be able to negotiate a plea deal with the prosecution depending on the circumstances. This could result in a lighter sentence or a sentence that avoids jail time.

Each case requires a different strategy for defense. Without the help of an attorney, it can be difficult to build a strategy that works with the details of your case. Attorneys can understand weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and use those to your advantage for your defense strategy.

If your case goes to trial, your attorney can support you by presenting evidence, consulting witnesses, and speaking for you to make a good impression. They can also help support and guide you through an overwhelming process. The more prepared you are to face your case head-on, the higher your likelihood of success.


Q: What Do I Do if I Am Falsely Accused of a Crime?

A: If you are falsely accused of a crime, speak to a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. You can discuss your situation and receive assistance with gathering evidence to support your claims. The attorney might be able to negotiate a deal with the prosecution to reduce or even drop your charges. A criminal defense attorney can work to build a defense strategy to effectively represent you before and during a trial.

Q: How Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Charge Their Clients?

A: Criminal defense attorneys charge their clients in a variety of ways. Certain attorneys use a flat fee depending on the type of charges. Others charge based on the amount of time they spend on the case. Different attorneys charge different rates depending on how experienced they are and how detailed the case is. Make sure to discuss fees during the initial consultation with an attorney so that you understand your obligations before agreeing to a contract.

Q: How Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Help Me?

A: A criminal defense attorney can help clients by protecting their rights. They can guide clients on what to say and not say to make sure they are treated fairly by the criminal justice system. An attorney can also help negotiate things like plea deals and offers to settle the case out of court for a lower penalty. They can also develop a strategy for your legal defense for a higher chance of success if your case ends up going to trial.

Q: What Is the Difference Between a Misdemeanor and a Felony?

A: The difference between a misdemeanor and a felony is quite significant and can change the outlook of your future. Misdemeanors are typically considered less serious. Even though they still sometimes result in jail time and fees, the sentences are not as severe. Felonies are considered quite serious and can lead to larger sentences. They also greatly affect your future by limiting your access to employment, housing, and education.

Receive Personalized Advice

Working with a criminal defense attorney can help you if you are facing legal challenges. The Law Office of Ryan N. Cox is dedicated to providing straightforward information and aggressive representation for their clients. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about how seeking legal counsel can help you protect your rights and your future while you are experiencing criminal charges.

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